Tuesday 26 August 2008

Fact Sheet Examines 2006 Massachusetts Health Care Reform Law; Study Finds More Consumers Seeking Health Care Information Online

"Massachusetts Health Reform: What's the Real Story?" Community Catalyst: The fact weather sheet released by Community Catalyst and Health Care for All reviews progress in Massachusetts since the state passed its 2006 health care straighten out law. According to the fact sheet, the uninsurance rate in the state has been reduced by half, and 71% of state residents continue to support the reforms enacted by the law, which include a mandate that all adults obtain coverage or expression tax penalties and Medicaid and private insurance reforms. According to the fact sheet, health care officials also must work to expand coverage, devise strategies to ascendency rising costs and asseverate financing in order to continue wellness care reform. A recently released poll on the law as well is available online (Community Catalyst, August 2008).

"Striking Jump in Consumers Seeking Health Care Information," Center for Studying Health System Change: The study, released on Thursday, establish that 56% of U.S. adults sought medical advice from a source other than a physician in 2007, with 32% of people victimization the Internet to deport the search. Those with higher levels of training were more than likely to search for health information, and four-spot in fivesome respondents said the information helped them better translate how to treat an illness, according to the study. In addition, the study plant that about half of U.S. residents ages 65 and older looked for health information from a source early than a physician (Center for Studying Health System Change release, 8/21).

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